Reflect on Hagar’s story:
Genesis 16; 21:8-21
A slave, Hagar becomes pregnant by Abram, her master. Mistreated by her jealous mistress, Sarai, Hagar flees to the desert—where God meets her.
Telling her she’s not forgotten, God encourages Hagar with a promise that she is destined for greatness.
There, in her wilderness, Hagar boldly offers a prayer to the God who intimately knows her, becoming the first person recorded to name God.
Here is Hagar’s prayer:
You are the God who sees me.
Genesis 16:13 (NIV)
Perhaps you can relate to Hagar. Maybe you’re in your own wilderness—a place in life that is scorching and dry, not sustainable for life. And you feel as if you don’t have the support you need to survive or move forward.
God sees you.
God knows your struggles.
God wants to meet you in your wilderness.
And most of all, God has destined you for a purpose.
You are the God Who Sees Me,
my struggle and my pain,
my triumphs and my joys.
Please hear me and my cry for help.

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